Manades 2.0

Manades 2.0

A digital platform at the service of the unique Manades’ heritage

March 2020
logo Manades 2.0 - Pôle Culture & Patrimoines


Where did the idea come from ? Who are the project holders ?

The activities linked to the manades generate 40 million euros each year on the territory, and an international influence of the delta of Rhone. • The manadiers are important local economic engines, the primary guarantors of biodiversity and the preservation of the territory's environment. • And yet the risk is greater every day of a short or medium term disappearance of their specific activity.

What do they do ? What’s the project about ?

Manades 2.0 is a digital interpretation center aimed at: • Promoting the heritage linked to the manades by facilitating their understanding and reappropriation by the general public. • Developing cooperation between the various local and thematic players to create lasting, diversified, monetizable and equitable added values. • Creating a common digital resource, alive and participative in the service of communication, tourist activity and the collective memory of the herds.

Why did they create it ? What kind of impact (social, artistic, innovative,) does the project have?

The expected impact of the project is to bring improvement of the living environment and influence of the local territory; development of new sustainable economic and cultural activities with low ecological impact by preserving and perpetuating a unique activity with strong territorial and cultural roots intimately linked to Provençal culture.

How does the SMATH Project help them? What are the next steps?

The SMATH support helped facilitate meetings and exchanges with different stakeholders. The project also helped us structure our ideas by providing expert input on marketing strategies and business plan.

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